Dan has his own page of injuries which can be found here: Dan's Personal A&E

From time to time even finely honed athletes get injured so you can imagine how bad it gets for a rag tag bunch of wheezy boys like us lot. Over the years there have been many twisted ankles, stubbed toes, kicked shins, banged knees and more bruised nuts than at an orgy for squirrels.

Occasionally these injuries have been recorded for posterity (not the nuts) and so we present them for you now.

9th January 2004, Andrew Henderson.

The very first time Andrew tried to take the ball past someone and Dave Mitchell did this to him. Serves him right for trying to play above his station. It was through kindness I imagine.

14th September 2004, Steve Revill.

Playing in a Tuesday night game, Steve twisted his ankle and spent five weeks on the sidelines. He didn't think it was too bad but went to A&E just in case. It was there that he realised the lack of swelling was due to the Ibuprofen he'd taken before the game. Later when the effects had worn off, this is what it looked like:

7th April 2006, Mark Moir.

Phil Smith did this. Notice the clarity of the hexagons imprinted on my chest. Also notice my nipple.

September 2006, Andrew Henderson.

He did a proper job on it this time. It was Alberto who was the dirty culprit here. It was a Tuesday evening game and Alberto decided he should put Andrew "into the wall". The resulting stumble caused this. He tried to do it to Steve in the following game too. That boy, eh.

c. 10th December 2006, Richard 'Chopper' Sharples.

I have located the photo of Richard's ankle after he turned it over during a lunge at either the ball or someone's leg. He kindly texted it to me after it had swollen up nicely.

13th April 2008, Andrew Henderson.

I probably should have warned you before showing this photo. It's a horrific picture. Something nasty has obviously happened to Andrew and I don't think it's right to go on too much about it.

Oh, and it looks like he's done something to his arm too.

16th October 2008, Mark Moir.

This hurt. Really hurt. It was a Tuesday evening game and after around five minutes I was attacking when Steve (he of the ankle injury above) lumbered his way infront of me and I trod on the back of his trainer. My ankle turned over from a great height and after a decent amount of wailing I was taken to A&E by someone from the previous 5-a-side game. That's right, none of my so-called friends was willing to leave the game to take me. To make matters worse, that same unknown person who took me went back and took my place in the game.

I too had taken Ibuprofen before the game and so after being discharged, it looked like this:

19th August 2009, Mark Moir.

Hmm, me again. It's either that people are targeting me or I'm just sad enough to take photos of my injuries. Anyway, this is what happens when you are in goal and Henderson has a shot which you block with your leg.

2nd September 2011, Paul O'Donovan.

POD's dead leg. Impressive bruise which I'm informed went around the leg.

7th September 2011, Dan O'Rourke.

Look. He did this in a rogue game, which makes it even worse. Should we have sympathy for him? Worse still, it was in Milton on the concrete pitch, 3-a-side, and with Tony Monigatti playing too. That boy Daniel needs to take a good, hard look at himself.

14th March 2014, Andrew Henderson.

It's been a while, so here's a new one for the list. A broken wrist - a fractured radius and scaphoid I'm told. This was the result of Andrew trying to cushion the falls of both John McK and Fred at the same time. A brave effort, but ultimately he came off much worse.

25th October 2016, Andrew Henderson.

Andrew needs his own page, he's rivalling Dan in terms of injuries. This one was at the Tuesday evening 5-a-side game but is worthy of the website. A badly fractured collar bone.

This time, Alberto wasn't to blame*

Looks nasty. So does the shoulder.

* we all know Alberto was to blame

Anyone else with injuries to document, just let me know.